These 3 pics were taken at my neighborhood, at 4th November 2008. Curious toy! It was quite amazing to hear its noise and very funny for all kids...from 4 to 85 years old! He, he, he! Mmm, I think it was a mixture of CJ7 and YJ Wrangler model but who knows...It was parked at the entrance of a sweet shop:

This other shot was taken by my Canadian friend Derek Redmond, the owner and creator of this fabulous website This Willys M38 belongs to mr. L. Oroz, who´s at the wheel.

This other CJ3B, which appears to be a Spanish made model by Viasa, were found during the month of June, I think. It seemed to be a first early series as it has a only clock at the dashboard and the hard-top (with a radio?), although home-made, it was pretty nice:

This other batch of pics were taken at 25th May 2008 and also 18th June 2008. I found this one as a friend of mine phoned me and told me that it was parked near his work place. I took my ol´ Willys-Viasa (yes, the one with the hard-top at the background) and take a lot of pics.
This yellow one is also an early series one: one clock and hand-brake at the dashboard, glove box and also a home-made roll-bar.

And take notice of the interior heater, too!

Labels: Willys jeep CJ3B CJ6 CJ7 Wrangler jeep sweet shop Pamplona Iruña Iturrama